Lifeguard position is one of the most popular positions among Work and Travel jobs. Participants can work as lifeguards in different locations such as site pools, hotels, beaches and amusement parks. This position has some specific advantages that many participants prefer.
- Lifeguarding is perhaps the least physically demanding job among the jobs in Work and Travel program. Although the sun and heat can be annoying in some locations, every lifeguard has their own umbrella. Moreover, compared to the exhaustion of some other positions, participants who work as lifeguards usually have a less physically tiring program.
- Lifeguarding is usually a job that does not require advanced English, but interacting with site residents and children at site pools, and with other lifeguards at amusement parks and hotels contributes to the improvement of your language.
- Lifeguard position is one of the positions that has the highest chance of getting overtime for the participant. Many employers communicate this situation to the student in their job offers.
- Depending on the overtime situation, the participant can earn more than a certain amount with a single job. This situation also reflects positively on the student both financially and in terms of time during the program process.
As every position has its advantages, lifeguarding has some important advantages as well. You can contact us for many different job and position options and reserve your place for Work and Travel program!