What is Form I-94?
Form I-94 is a document that shows the border police that you entered the United States legally and
for what purpose you entered the United States. You can get this document only after entering the
Where to fill out the I-94 form?
After you have entered the USA, you can print out your own electronic I-94 form, which is filled from
the address -www.cbp.gov- or from the kiosks at the airports.
How to fill out Form I-94?
This form, which is filled in a very simple way, can sometimes be activated within 2-3 days. When
filling out the form, you will need to submit information such as your name, surname, passport
number, your nationality, date of entry, and what type of visa you have.
Why is form I-94 so important?
You must print this document and take it with you when you go to your SSN – Social Security Number
application. Your SSN application will not be accepted without the I-94 form.