How would you like to work while studying a language abroad?

With the Work and Study Program,
it is possible to learn a language and contribute to your education budget!

Work and Study is a program that offers you to have a legal work permit during your language education abroad. Working hours can vary depending on the country. Thanks to the Work and Study program, you can learn a new language, contribute to your education budget, and gain experience abroad. It should not be forgotten that the program’s main purpose is to learn a language. It would certainly be misleading to consider it simply as making money.
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The Work and Study Program is a program offered in Australia, Ireland, Malta, and Dubai. Malta and Dubai offer the chance to benefit from this program with a language education of 12 weeks or more. Australia offers the chance to benefit from this program with a language education of 16 weeks or more. Ireland offers the chance to benefit from this program with a language education of 25 weeks or more.
Work and Study is a language learning program that allows you to work part-time or full-time while studying English. Work and Travel, on the other hand, is a cultural exchange program and only offers work permits. It is not necessary to be a university student for the Work and Study program, but those who will participate in the Work and Travel program must be university students.
First, you have to decide which country you want to study in. This decision should be made by considering both the country's visa requirements and school fees. The program start date is planned according to the student's suitability. The process, which starts with the registration process, continues with applying for a visa, buying a flight ticket, and having health insurance and the process is completed. Edumaster Education Abroad Consultancy is with you through the whole process and you are informed step by step.
There is no significant difference between them and foreign language school applications. However, in rare cases, some schools may require participants to have an elementary level of English proficiency. The main point that the participant should pay attention to is to be able to meet the visa requirements of the requested country.
Why Should You Work With Edumaster?
As Edumaster Education Abroad Consultancy agency, you can review the current brochures in the link below for detailed information about our experienced and successful solution partners in education abroad.