First of all, let’s get to know a little about what a sponsor is and what it does.
The Work and Travel program is a program run by the US Department of State. The American government has authorized some companies to run the program and these companies are called Sponsors. The aim of these companies is to ensure that the participant who comes to America for cultural exchange has the best experience and goes through the whole process without any problems.
Sponsor companies are also authorized institutions to print the DS-2019 working document. It is only within the jurisdiction of the sponsors to be able to print a working document. They select suitable participants for the program through the partner companies that the sponsors work with, namely us, and make suitable job placements for them and in some cases job interviews.
These companies are also responsible for the participant’s safety in America. They ensure that the participant is followed up during his/her stay in the United States, monitor the student’s monthly check-in periods, and make sure that everything is suitable for the student and that the participant has the best experience of the program.
Let’s talk about the importance of the sponsor when we come to the company selection stage.
There are many things to consider during the company selection stage, but choosing a sponsor is not one of them. All of the companies authorized by the American government as sponsors are responsible for doing this job in the best possible way. One sponsor is no better or worse than another. The job options they offer are quite similar to each other. When companies with multiple sponsors are evaluated by the students, there is no significant advantage that will add to the program experience of the student because each work and travel student gets a job through only one sponsor. For this reason, the fact that the company has more than one sponsor should not be considered as a single criterion in the selection of a company.