
Work and Travel (WAT) program is a cultural exchange program organized by the US Department of State and attended by university students from many countries over the world. Work and Travel (WAT) program, which has been running since 1961, gained popularity in our country as of 2000, and as of 2010, Turkey has become one of the 3 countries that send the most students to the USA via Work and Travel program.

February 19, 2022

Can Everyone Participate In Work And Travel Program ?

Our English level must be sufficient to participate in the Work and Travel Program. Once you have registered for Work and Travel, everything is not over. The English interview conducted by the consultants before registration follows you in many areas such as providing an English interview with the American employer after choosing the job, and finally speaking English with the visa officers at your visa appointment at the Consulate/Embassy. Although GPA is not a written requirement for the Work and Travel Program, the English Transcript you will receive when you go to your visa interview can lead to good scenarios in the interview. It is recommended to have a grade point average above 2.00, reviewed by your advisors prior to enrolment.
February 19, 2022

Anti Trafficking Pamphlet

Anti Trafficking Pamphlet is a booklet created by the American Government on human trafficking. You should carefully read your rights mentioned in Pamphlet. To give an example of these rights; abuse, violation of rights, forced labour, not getting the money you deserve, etc.
February 19, 2022

Why Shoul I Go To Language School With A Company

Since language schools and agencies abroad have been doing business together for years and getting to know each other, language schools offer a much more convenient and discounted prices list of up to 30% to 40% from time to time, unlike students who apply individually.
February 19, 2022

Advantages Of Job Fair

It is possible to make a more memorable impression by meeting face-to-face with your employer at the job fair. By using your gestures, facial expressions and energy whenever you are excited or stuck, you can get the chance to show what you want to say more clearly and make clearer impressions.
February 19, 2022

What is an F1 visa?

The type of visa that people who want to study language in America should apply is the F1 Visa. To be able to apply for this visa, you must present a document proving that you will be a student in a language school in the USA. The most important document that must be included in your application file to apply for an F1 visa is the I-20 document. This document is sent by the school where you registered for language education in the USA. You cannot apply for a student visa without this document.
February 19, 2022

Requirements For Language School Abroad

One of the most preferred education fields abroad is language schools. Moreover, it is easier than enrolling in a university. The main reason why it is preferred so much is that transactions are easier and faster. Regardless of any age range or social status, anyone can enroll in language schools. The point to be noted here is that sometimes the person who will receive education must be a high school graduate most of the time.
February 19, 2022

Opportunities and Advantages of Language Schools

If you want to spice up your life, try learning a language! No matter what happens in the world, learning a language will be a great pursuit for you. Learning a language abroad means much more. You ask why? Because when you study abroad, you will not only learn a language, but you will also learn a different culture.
February 19, 2022

Language School and Study Opportunity in Australia

With the announcement that Australia will reopen its borders for all visa holders from 21 February, we see an increased interest in language schools in Australia. Let us remind you that, as in all other countries, travelers must be vaccinated twice. The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is also running a $3 million campaign to attract more international students and is promoting a refund of the AU$630 visa application fee for fully vaccinated international student visa holders arriving in Australia between 19 January 2022 and 19 March.
February 19, 2022

Language School Abroad

Language learning is an activity that takes time and effort. In our country, adequate conditions cannot always be provided to learn a foreign language. If the language that you want to learn actively in the area you live in is not spoken, it becomes even more difficult to learn that language. For these reasons, our advice to our clients is to take language training in a country where the language they want to improve themselves in is actively used, within a certain period of time. When they are educated with a good school and actively talk to the people around them during the day, they develop themselves in a shorter time than expected.