After deciding to enroll in the work and travel program, we may all be worried about choosing a company, we can be hesitant, and we want to choose the best company for us by researching this process very well.
One of the most worrying issues about choosing a company is that the company we want to work with is located in a different city than our city of residence. This is definitely not a situation that will create a disadvantage for the student, let’s examine it in detail.
First of all, to briefly talk about the functioning of the Work and Travel process, during the first registration phase, the student fills out the contracts and pays the registration fee. A student who registers from outside the city pays the registration fee and all other payment installments to the company account by bank transfer.
The contracts are signed with an ink signature and sent by courier. Afterward, necessary documents are requested from the student by the student’s advisor at the registration stage. These are documents that can be obtained and transmitted entirely electronically. When the student completes the documents requested by the student’s advisor, the job placement phase begins.
After the job placement is done, the job interview is scheduled, and the job interview takes place via Skype. Afterward, the student’s sponsor documents are filled in by the advisor and the student is asked to sign them electronically. Afterward, the student’s employer sends a job acceptance certificate, and the student is asked to sign it electronically. The student documents are signed and sent attached to the mail to the advisor.
In the next stage, the student’s work certificate is printed and brought from the USA and delivered to the student’s address by cargo.
The next stage is the visa stage. All visa procedures are carried out by the advisor, all the student has to do at the visa stage is to choose the day that is suitable for him or her and make a visa appointment. After successfully obtaining his or her visa, he or she has now reached the final stage and his or her journey to America will begin shortly.
In this process we mentioned, there is no need for the student to come to the office. The whole process is carried out online as we have explained above. Even if most students don’t live outside the city, they prefer to register online and carry out all their processes online. There is no difference between registering online and registering by visiting the office. Students can enroll however they want.