It is also possible to find a second job in Work and Travel, a cultural exchange program where students can both work and travel during the summer. Generally, students find a second job and work in two different jobs. The first jobs that students will work for are provided by Work&Travel agencies, and students who want a second job find it themselves when they go to the USA.
There are some points that students who want to find a second job and work should pay attention to. The student’s first job should not be hindered by the second job. The student should pay attention to work in the time left over from the first job. The reason behind it is that your first job is the main one that offers you a job to come to the USA.
The second job found by the students must be reported to the sponsor. Once notified to the sponsor, it is possible to work in a second job if the sponsor approves. Sponsors generally do not oppose a second job, give approval after providing the necessary controls, and reject jobs that are not suitable for students to work.
Also, your second job should be included in the jobs to be done within the scope of Work&Travel Program. Otherwise, offers are not accepted.
If all these points are taken into consideration, students can successfully work in their second job. Working in more than one position is frequently preferred by students who want to both save money and make new friends.