When you start earning money, you may want to save some or all of it and bring it to Turkey. However, it may not be safe to carry that much money with you during travel or when entering the country, so you may want to send money from the United States to Turkey. Conversely, if you have extra pocket money to take with you when traveling to the United States, you may not want to keep it on you, and you may want to send money from Turkey to the United States. In such cases, there are a few applications you can use.
Western Union, Wise, and MoneyGram are the most well-known applications. With these applications, which have user-friendly interfaces, you can either go to affiliated branches to receive the money or arrange for a direct transfer to your bank account. Each application has its own agreements, transaction fees, and delivery times. You can evaluate and choose the most suitable one for yourself.
If you prefer to carry cash, you need to start withdrawing money regularly from your bank some time in advance. Each bank has a daily withdrawal limit. The amount of cash you can carry with you on international flights is $10,000 US dollars. You won’t incur any deductions, but it can be a risky option.