You have arrived at your final destination on the plane. Now you are in the place where you will spend the majority of your program. There are several alternatives to get to the place where you will be staying, which you can also consider as your second home. These alternatives can be provided to you by your employers. You can be informed beforehand. You can choose the way that you think suits you best from these offered alternatives.
- You can use a local bus company/shuttle. If your employer tells you that you can use this option, they will definitely explain how and where to do it. Each state has its own local bus company and transportation schedules.
- You can use a taxi/Uber/Lyft. Uber and Lyft, which are widely used in America, are easy methods where you can call a car without even providing directions by downloading their application. You can also use them frequently within the country as they are cheap and convenient.
- Your employer may cover the transportation. Some employers prefer to meet their employees at the airport. In such a case, it is very important to provide your departure details before you leave. Otherwise, they won’t be able to arrange a pick-up.
- If available, you can use the metro route. You can choose the most suitable MetroCard option and reach your destination.
Regardless of which option you choose, you must inform your employer. You should follow the directions they will give you.