Summer Work and Travel Program is a cultural exchange program organized by the American Government for university students.
The legal duration of the Work and Travel Program is 5 months in total.
University students make their job choices by considering the academic calendar and roughly determine the date they will go. Consultants can make business referrals in accordance with the dates that can be visited.
The legal start date of Work and Travel is May 15.
If the academic calendar of the students is suitable for May 15 and they have completed all the procedures, they can start the program early.
The maximum working period is 4 months.
The end of the legal working date of Work and Travel is October 1.
After the end of the job written in the DS-2019 Legal Working Document, they are legally entitled to stay in the United States for 1 month.
When we look at the university academic calendar, it may not be possible to fill the legal 5 months.
Still, it's good to know. 😊