One of the last stages of the Work and Travel process before going to America is the visa interview. Every student who wants to go to America as part of Work and Travel has to have a J-1 visa interview and get visa approval. Well, while the student’s visa appointment is scheduled by the company every year the Work and Travel program is organized, will the students’ visa appointments be scheduled by themselves in the next period?
J-1 visa appointments are usually available to schedule as of February, and it is expected to happen so this year, too. But here is the point that stuck in the minds of the students: “Will I get my visa appointment, or will my company organize it?”. In order to give the most correct answer to this question, the explanations of the American Consulate should be followed. The American Consulate has run a system called the group appointment system for the Work and Travel program, where the companies organize the visa appointments of the students; but after that, it has decided to switch to a system called the individual system, where the students will get the visa appointment themselves. Unless otherwise stated by the consulate, it is known that each student will get their own J-1 visa appointment this year. With this radical decision, instead of a competitive system that only companies can access, it is aimed to move to a system that every student can access equally and that will provide equality among students. Although the explanations on the subject are limited at the moment, an updated statement is expected by the American Consulate in the coming days.
During this process, where visa appointments will be transferred to the individual system, all our students will be supported by Edumaster Abroad Education, necessary actions will be taken, and all necessary information will be shared. In the current situation, the most important thing for our students to do is to take into consideration the information that will come from our advisors.